Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Struck by Love?...

Love, The Best Feeling of All Time

yvngswag love heart valentine valentines day

Nick: When you're in love, you get this feeling that you have with a person that you've never experienced before… and sometimes you don't even realize it. It's like every time you think of this person, talk to this person, look at this person, you get this same feeling over and over that you can't explain. This feeling is repeated every time you're with this person. Every day, you experience this feeling continuously, and they're the only person you have this feeling for. Every time you see this person, all you think about is wanting to conquer the world with him/her… desiring to explore the universe and love them till the end of time. Eventually, there comes a point where if there's a fight or an argument or something, you may lose sight of this feeling, but you hold onto this same feeling you had with them because you've never felt it for someone before, and you know you still feel it for them. No matter how heated things get you still hold onto this feeling and want to continue to experience it because it's the only feeling that truly makes you feel happy. This feeling is love.

No matter how much people talk bad about you or say shit to you or ask dumb questions about your relationship or whatever it is, you do what you can to ignore them. Because you know that you have this feeling for someone that you haven't had before, and they wouldn't understand the amount of power this feeling has.

This feeling is insanely confusing. Sometimes you don't want to feel it, you don't want to admit it, and you don't want to see you feel this way for someone because you feel like it's such a big step, such a commitment. But in reality the love was there the WHOLE time, it just grew gradually and inevitably. Soon enough, it’ll get to the point (if it hasn't already) where you have so much love for this person that you have to admit it because no matter how you look at it... you have this same feeling that gets more and more intense for this person. And that's the thing, maybe we don't know what love is… not exactly. But this feeling for a person is a damn good guess as to what love is. Because this same feeling is so confusing and overwhelming and takes up our whole mind and heart to the point where we are like, “This has to be love, because I'm truly obsessed with this person. I can't get this feeling out of me no matter how hard I try.”
When you're in love you do not see the flaws in the person you are in love with, and you may not realize how they change over time because you constantly hold onto the feeling and happiness they gave you from square one. So when they do change... and they do reveal their flaws more and more... you don't want to listen to anyone else if they point it out because all you see in your eyes is the person you fell in love with who gives you happiness. Love truly is blind. You love blindly and you hold onto this feeling of happiness constantly. But when they turn around and hurt you and screw you over... then you realize how blind you were… how willing you were to give them all your love when they had other intentions. You were too in love and "blind" to realize what was happening, and once you did it was too late because there was no turning back... they were set on hurting you and leaving you. It can be taken so many ways but those ways are exactly what it means. Love is blind.

Stefanie Shank love heart pink i love you

Lindsay: Sometimes, I ask how the world continues to revolve, despite the conflicts that keep destroying the world by storm. All these floods that tried to drown me, were suppressed by the right support system that kept me in balance. Throughout my life, I was accustomed to not share my thoughts with others, as I believed it would make me superior. It was a false sign of happiness for the depression that consumed me. But one day, I got this midnight epiphany to meet people who appreciate, interpret the ideas that bubbled in my mind, and bounce back ideas organically. Fast forward 2017! The person you are reading through this blog, is NOT me, but the billion of ideas that have diffused into my mind from those that have inspired me. They reminded me of the mission that remained unactivated during my darkest times, but now it is the only perceivable destination through my vision.

The closing lines of one of my first poems, was “Used to let the teardrop go silent / Now, I make the pen cry on paper.” The passion behind those  teardrops now resonate through the interpretations of others through my poems. That motivates me to continue writing and remember what I’m doing it for: to change the world. The point I’m trying to make here is that love and relationships can take you on a train to undiscovered scenes that you never expected you’ll reach during your hardships. Having someone to spill your emotions, ask for suggestions on your career path, art, decisions, etc, and also improve because they’re going to be honest with you. Why? Because if they really love you, they want to see you GROW. They also recognize your unlocked potential and criticize what you put out. since we all have something to offer to the world. Eventually, you can find yourself, reinforce what is your purpose in life, and express who you truly are to the real world. Most importantly, love is a MUTUAL investment of support. Don’t be in a relationship just for the simple matter of being in a relationship, or like someone because they’re attractive. Measure one’s attractiveness through the visions transparent in their eyes. You have to set the purpose of having a relationship or friendship with somebody, because you are on the rise to construct the best version of yourself. You both should have a common purpose and a strong, spiritual connection, despite the lack of acceptance from your parents, others’ hate on you, setbacks you went through together.

If your homies aren’t listening to your music, if they’re not reading your blog posts (cough cough), if they get bored when you’re talking to them about something you’re passionate about, then you have to go DAT WAY →. They have to be there in every step in your journey.  Therefore, if your partner pushes you to make wrong decisions or distracts you from your aspirations, then you should move on. As Kenneth G. Ortiz said, “Be wary of the company you keep for they are the reflection of who you are, or who you want to be.”

Just remember, there are 7.4 billion people in this world. The close-knitted relationships we build are needed so we can learn from each other. Explore the world, meet new people, and build on the connection of your loved ones. We need each other. It’s a basic necessity that keeps you alive, other than the food, water, and shelter. We in a new age where we should value mental engagement over sexual penetration. Now, it’s time for me to make love and hopefully it’ll penetrate to H.E.R. I Love H.E.R. Highest Energy Receptors.

Hope you guys enjoyed your Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. The concept of love is broad, so I'm glad you two both shared your ideas about it. I've never been in love in the traditional sense, but the feeling I have for my family and closest friends is what I believe to be love. Great blog post, and timely too!
