There are unwritten rules and roles in society. Ideas and customs people are expected to accept and embrace without question. But it is 2017. A time where everything is questioned and analyzed. For example, what separates men and women? What should be expected of your partner, whether they are the same sex or different? More importantly, why do we take these expectations without asking what their true purpose is?

Prince: Men dominate. Men conquer. Men don’t quit.The ultimate goal for men is to reach alpha male status. As a young adult approaching the responsibilities of a man, it comes with conventional rules and expectations that are counter-intuitive in providing oneself with happiness and security. The stereotypical man is someone who plays sports, works with their hands, and puts all melodramatic feelings out of sight. These traits raise the question: what gives the man the right to abide by these rules? And more importantly, who put them into action? Maybe it's in our DNA.
Ahmed: “Who says?” Is a question I always find myself asking. Who made these requirements and guidelines that we abide by? Who told us that we have to live and conform ourselves to a certain manner? Questions such as this, still remain a mystery today. Unfortunately, we live in a world where implicit rules and regulations tell us how to live. These regulations tell us how to act and how to conduct ourselves, and we just allow it. We accept it because society instructs us to. We accept it because we’ve been shown no other way. We say “ well, that’s just the way things work.” But why? Why aren’t we searching for the hidden meanings? Why don’t we want to know who’s controlling our lives? Why don’t we live the way we want to live? Society tells us that men aren’t allowed to shed tears. Men aren’t allowed to show emotion and feelings. Men aren’t allowed to show empathy. We’ve been taught that when a man wears or says something that doesn't appear ‘manly’ to society; to automatically question and belittle his manhood. Why? Who made the injunction that delegates this action. Who made the decree that men aren’t allowed to wear pink? Who made the decree that men aren’t allowed to pour their heart out or ‘vent’ to another. Real men wear pink, and real men definitely express their feelings.
Nissim: Society taught me that a real man is someone who doesn’t complain. Someone who works without question. A real man takes care of his wife and kids. A real man accepts whatever is going on in life and deals with it accordingly. Some of these ideals can be helpful but others are not. A real man is not supposed to cry. A real man does not talk about his emotions. Who gets to define what makes an individual a man? Your father because he is one? Your mother because she has a certain expectation on how a male is to treat her?
Lindsay: Speaking from a child whose mother potty-trained him and accompanied him in every recreational soccer game, etc. As a child, I didn’t have a father figure to look up so, my mom assumed the roles of both mom and dad. But, what are those roles? Men have been painted in society to fit a specific canvas, but not a mural. By that, I signify that men cannot be categorized by certain roles, where you can have the capacity to encompass all of them. In times, men are the ones that carry the heavy bags, drive the car, do maintenance jobs. Where is the official rulebook? Now, what really makes a man, a man? As men, we feel like we have to fulfill those ridiculous standards in order to be considered a man by others. We allow ourselves to be entrapped in this mental prism, where society demands us to be strong, tough, unemotional, athletic, etc. The term “real man” should not even exist, in my opinion. I see it as just being a human who contributes to a relationship, partnership, or family and does the right thing. If we perpetuate those terms, can gender equality be reached? Ask yourself that. You decide who you want to be, which does not have to fall under any gender, because it is up to your interpretation to be YOU.
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