Saturday, February 11, 2017

Sex...Is It Worth the Wait?


“ How do you feel about waiting for sex in a relationship? “

    Sex. The concept that brings life into the world. The action that is the ultimate form of intimacy for some and a simple form of pleasure for others. Sex is a widely discussed topic whether it be from how sex is portrayed in the media, to how sex affects personal relationships. We posed the question “is sex worth the wait?” to some of our members, and here are our thoughts. Don’t hesitate to chime in with your own:

Ahmed: Is sex worth waiting for? The billion dollar question that remains a mystery amongst society today. Sex is everywhere and is spreading faster than a catholic rabbit. Sex has become a competition, a race even. Especially speaking from a guy’s point of view.  Sex is obviously a basic human need. After all, our true purpose of being on this earth results from sex. However, when it comes down to the question, my answer depends on the mindset and the intentions of the individual’s in the relationship. Curious to know what I meant by that? I mean that most people engage in making their significant other participate in a time restriction for sex. They do this to ensure that their partner isn’t just using them for their own endeavors. They do this to make sure their heart isn't being broken. To make sure their time isn’t being wasted. For example, I believe waiting.. Let’s say five months.. Is no different from sleeping together on the first date. It may sound extremely foolish and absurd, but just hear me out, give me a chance to explain myself. I believe you can have sex with someone on the very first night of ever hanging out, and end up being together forever. The connection, the feelings and the vibes could automatically be there. It could feel like you’ve known each other you’re entire lives. That’s usually where you're struck with the “ Where have you been all my life?” On the other hand, you made your partner wait all this time, thinking they were different and would never do you wrong. To your surprise, after those long & hard five months of abstinence, you finally give in and they leave you immediately after anyway. All that time for what? The point I’m trying to make is, making someone wait for sex doesn't solidify their true intentions with you. If it happens, it happens; but you shouldn’t enter a relationship with the end goal being ‘sex’. For me, it’s worth the wait, depending on what you truly want.

Nissim: Sex is lit. Having sex with someone you actually have feelings for is even more lit. But sex should never be the cornerstone of a relationship. You should never stay in an unhealthy relationship because the sex game too fire. You should never pressure your partner into anything they don’t want to do. If you are mature enough to decide to have sex, you’re mature enough to realize your actions have consequences and you need to handle those consequences responsibly. Wait for sex if you want too. You know yourself better than anyone else could but understand how your decision affects your partner. Communicate about it. Please, if you decide to comment on someone else’s sex life, remember nobody asked for your opinion. Mind your business. If someone’s sex life has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you. Nobody should be attacked for how they view sex or how free they are with their OWN sexuality. Just don’t be out here giving STI’s/STD’s to people like lollipops because that’s just rude. & Ya nasty.

Lindsay: From the lens of a virgin, sex is not really what it is all glossed it up for. I don't want to see myself as innocent neither was I ever pressured to do it. The reason why I’ve never threw myself in the field, is because of the constant questioning I have for its purpose. Some may see it as an escape from what we go through daily, a way to seek pleasure, or just a way to express love. But at this age, what are you really searching for? But also is it worth the wait? We're teenagers. We’re confused about concepts and it takes experience to fully teach us. We have to maximize our productivity now to develop us to our potential. But, we have to do it with a purpose. If you don't, what are you really getting from it? So let's fast forward. You've had sex and you transition into a relationship. Now, sex should be the last destination in your mind because you know the in’s and out’s of it. You should try to profoundly engage in your partner’s mind before you dive into the bed. Get in a spiritual connection and I'll assure you it'll be more enjoyable. It'll probably keep the relationship on full throttle, without taking any speed bumps. There's so much to live in life, so do it right while you're at it. If you just do it without establishing no connection, then the sex would be boring because there's no underlying purpose. As you move on to partner to partner, it'll be boring as well because it is the first step you see. In all actuality, sex cannot validate a relationship. It's an intimate event that complements the connection you've established with that person already. This goes to males and females: Don't try to lower your self-esteem to satisfy “Oh, let's have sex so I know it's real” or any irrelevant statement they throw at you. Value yourself and remember, don't think love is *“undressing and caressing" ("World in your Pocket, Joey Badass).  Just know, you can interpret any purpose out of sex.

Prince: Who doesn’t love sex? It’s the uncontrollable desire that every person in this world eventually feels, no matter sexual preference. With the emergence of the 20th century, the world has seen a largely promoted sexualized society. From tight dresses(for the guys) to grey sweatpants(for the girls), we all can’t resist the urge of “looking down there.” The best part about sex is the pleasure. The transfer of vibrations from one another makes you feel like you want to be stuck in the moment forever. From that point on, you guys belong to each other. You no longer have the obligation to engage in sexual activities with anyone else but the person that now possesses your energy particles. It’s an emotional bonding between you two; a memory was created. What a wonderful fantasy isn’t it? Do memories even matter anymore? Consider the way sex is propagated through social media. Would you agree that memories are now undervalued? Sex has become a “I’m-in-it-for-myself” scheme for many. In other words, and I’m speaking from a guy’s point-of-view, we see sex as just another opportunity to satisfy our egocentric desires. We could CARELESS about the emotions of our partner, but rather focus on how they compare to the rest of the females we’ve been with. Since when did sex become a competition? In my eyes, I’ve always seen sexual intercourse as an emotional engagement between two individuals who genuinely share a mutual bond with each other. I guess times have changed. I guess men and women alike have no regard to create vivid, long-lasting memories that they can actually be proud of and embrace rather than try to overshadow it by looking for better opportunities through other people. But that’s my two cents. To answer the question, yes I WOULD wait for sex, given that I was waiting on the right person.

What's your take on waiting for sex or the concept of sex in general? We're interested in getting your input! 
Comment below!

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